5.9Using the ASUS AI Selector utility

The motherboard support CD comes with the ASUS AI Selector that allows you to set the video card mode of your system.

Follow the AI Selector installation wizard to install the AI Selector utility from the motherboard support CD.

Use this utility only when you have two graphics cards installed in your system.

5.9.1 Launchi ng the ASUS AI Sel ector

After you have successfully installed the utility in your computer, launch the AI Selector utility from the Windows® desktop by clicking Start > All Programs > ASUS > AI Selector > AI Selector from the Windows® taskbar.

Cli ck for hel p

Cli ck to mi ni mi ze

Cli ck to exi t

Cli ck to sel ect

SLI mode

Rotate knob to sel ect SLI mode

Vi deo card status

Single Video Card mode - the primary (blue) PCI Express x16 slot works at the bandwidth of PCI Express x16.

Dual Video Card mode - the primary (blue) and secondary (black) PCI Express x16 slots runs in x8 mode. The combined bandwidth of these maintain the bandwidth of PCI Express x16.


Chapter 5: Software support