1.3Special features

1.3.1 Product Hi ghli ghts

AMD Dual-Core Archi tecture

The motherboard supports AMD dual-core processors containing two physical CPU cores with discrete L2 cache structure for each core to meet demands for more powerful computing.

Latest processor technol ogy

The AMD Athlon™ 64FX and Athlon™ 64 desktop processors are based on AMDʼs 64-bit and 32-bit architecture, which represents the landmark introduction of the industryʼs first x86-64 technology. These processors provide a dramatic leap forward in compatibility, performance, investment protection, and reduced total cost of ownership and development.

H yperTransport™ Technol ogy

HyperTransport™ Technology is a high-speed, low latency, point-to-point link designed to increase the communication speed between integrated circuits in computers, networking and telecommunicatons equipment up to 48 times faster than other existing technologies.

Cool ʻnʼ Qui et!™ Technol ogy

The motherboard supports the AMD® Cool ʻnʼ Quiet!™ Technology that dynamically and automatically changes the CPU speed, voltage and amount of power depending on the task the CPU performs.

Seri al ATA sol uti on

The motherboard supports two interfaces compliant to the Serial ATA (SATA) specification, an evolutionary replacement of the Parallel ATA storage interface. The Serial ATA specification allows for thinner, more flexible cables with lower pin count, reduced voltage requirement, up to 150 MB/s data transfer rate.


