PCI Express Frequency [ Auto]
Allows you to set the PCI Express frequency.
Configuration options: [Auto] [90] [91] ~ [104]
PCI Cl ock Synchroni zati on Mode [To PCI Express]
Sets the PCI Express clock synchronization mode.
Configuration options: [To PCI Express] [33.33MHz] [37.5MHz] [40.0MHz]
DDR Reference Vol tage [ Auto]
Allows you to automatically detect or select from a list the DDR operating voltage. Configuration options: [2.6V] [2.7V] [2.8V] [2.9V] [Auto]
FI D/VI D Change [ Auto]
Sets the frequency ID and voltage ID.
Configuration options: [Auto] [Manual]
Processor Frequency Mul ti pli er [ x10 2000 MH z]
Sets the processor frequency multiplier. The default value varies depending on the processor installed. This item appears only when the FID/VID Change item is set to Manual. Configuration options: [x8 1600 MHz] [x9 1800 MHz] [x10 2000 MHz]
Processor Vol tage [ 1.400 V]
Sets the processor voltage. The configuration options vary depending on the processor installed. This item appears only when the FID/VID Change item is set to Manual.
2.4.2 USB Confi gurati on
The items in this menu allows you to change the
OnBoard SiS USB1.1 | DEVICE | [Enabled] |
OnBoard SiS USB2.0 DEVICE | [Enabled] | |
USB Configuration |
Module Version - |
| |
USB Devices Enabled: None |
| |
Legacy USB Support |
| [Enabled] |
USB 2.0 Controller Mode | [HiSpeed] | |
| [Enabled] |
OnBoard Si S USB1.1 DEVI CE [Enabl ed]
Allows you to enable or disable the onboard SiS USB 1.1 port. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]