Boot Information Display Mode

Sets the disk information display mode.

Configuration options: [Display adapters & installed devices] [Display adapters only] [Display adapters and all devices] [Display minimal information]


LSI Logic Config Utility

v6.16.00.00 (2007.05.07)


Adapter List Global Properties








Pause When Boot Alert Displayed





























Boot Information Display Mode


[Display adapters & installed devices]






Support Interrupt


[Hook interrupt, the Default]















Restore Defaults
















Esc =

Exit Menu

F1/Shift+1 = Help




= Adapter List

-/+ = Change Item





Support Interrupt

Configuration options: [Hook interrupt, the Default] [Bypass interrupt hook]


LSI Logic Config Utility

v6.16.00.00 (2007.05.07)


Adapter List Global Properties








Pause When Boot Alert Displayed





























Boot Information Display Mode


[Display adapters & installed devices]






Support Interrupt


[Hook interrupt, the Default]
























Restore Defaults
















Esc =

Exit Menu

F1/Shift+1 = Help




= Adapter List

-/+ = Change Item






Chapter 5: RAID configuration