Red Hat® Enterprise Linux OS 5.0

To install the RAID controller driver when installing Red��� Hat���® Enterprise OS:

1.Boot the system from the Red Hat® OS installation CD.

2.At the boot:, type linux dd noprobe=ata[n]. The number of ata varies with the hard disk drive number you have when building a RAID set. For example, if you want to build a RAID set with 6 hard disk drives, type command line: linux dd noprobe=ata1 noprobe=ata2 noprobe=ata3 noprobe=ata4 noprobe=ata5 noprobe=ata6.

3.Press <Enter>.

-To install or upgrade in graphical mode, press the <ENTER> key.

-To install or upgrade in text mode, type: linux text <ENTER>.

-Use the function keys listed below for more information.

[F1-Main] [F2-Options] [F3-General] [F4-Kernel] [F5-Rescue] boot: linux dd noprobe=ata[n]

4.Select Yes using the <Tab> key when asked if you have the driver disk, then press <Enter>.

Main Menu

Do you have a driver disk?

















































5.Select fd0 using the <Tab> key when asked to select the driver disk source. Press <Tab> to move the cursor to OK, then press <Enter>.

Driver Disk Source

You have multiple devices which could serve as sources for a driver disk. Which would you like to use?








Chapter 6: Driver installation