21.Video In port. (Deluxe models-Consumer edition only.) This port connects a video casette recorder.

22.Cable TV connector. (Deluxe models-Consumer edition only.) This connects a cable TV twist-on connector.

23.Wireless LAN adapter antenna connector. This connects the dipolar antenna of the wireless LAN adapter.

24.Link LED. This yellow LED lights up when the wireless LAN adapter radfio is on but has no activity.

25.AIR LED. This green LED blinks when the wireless LAN adapter is transmitting or receiving data.

See page 62 for the wireless LAN adapter LED indications.

26.Gigabit LAN port. (for Deluxe models-Commercial edition only) This port allows high speed connection to the Internet via a DSL or cable modem.

ASUS Terminator 2 barebone system