EPP Version [1.9]

Allows selection of the Parallel Port EPP version. This item appears only when the Parallel Port Mode is set to EPP.

Configuration options: [1.9] [1.7]

ECP Mode DMA Channel [DMA3]

Allows selection of the Parallel Port ECP DMA channel. This item appears only when the Parallel Port Mode is set to ECP. Configuration options: [DMA0] [DMA1] [DMA3]

Parallel Port IRQ [IRQ7]

Allows you to select the Parallel Port IRQ.

Configuration options: [IRQ5] [IRQ7]

Onboard Game Port [Enabled]

Allows you to enable or disable the Game port.

Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]

Onboard MIDI Port [Disabled]

Allows you to select the MIDI port address or to disable the port. Configuration options: [Disabled] [200/300] [200/330] [208/300] [208/330]

ASUS Terminator 2 barebone system