5. OS Driver Installation

Where: SLOT=x Specifies the NBI (NetWare Bus Interface) slot number. Substitute x with the valid value for the adapter. You will be prompted with the slot number(s) of installed PRO/100+ adapters. The NBI numbers are different from the slot number indicated in the SETUP.EXE utility.

NET=xxxxxxxx is the unique network address for that LAN segment. The default frame type is 802.2. If your workstation needs to use the 802.3 frame type, see the section later in this document about using multiple frame types on one adapter.

III.ATI® Rage XL Display Driver Installation

User can select the “ Super VGA” for the X Server on NetWare 5.x server system. The other NetWare system didn’t support X Server and user didn’t need the VGA driver support.




ASUS TRL-DLS User’s Manual