The default subnet of the ASUS Pocket Wireless AP is “”.
In special cases, when the ASUS Pocket Wireless AP joins an AP network with the same IP address, reset the ASUS Pocket Wireless AP to access the web configuration page.
You may download the latest firmware file from the ASUS website (www.asus.com).
Use the Firmware Upgrade page in the configuration utility to update the ASUS Pocket Wireless AP firmware.
The ASUS Pocket Wireless AP Power LED continuously blinks for more than a minute.
Turn off the ASUS Pocket Wireless AP. Turn the device again and observe if the Power LED stops blinking.
If the blinking stops, you may have pressed the reset button when you previously turned on the device.
If the blinking continues, you need to restore the ASUS Pocket Wireless AP firmware. Use the Firmware Restoration utility to restore or update the ASUS Pocket Wireless AP firmware.
ASUS Pocket Wireless Access Point |