Installing Accessories
Once you have installed your MERLIN system, you may want to add ac-
cessories to enhance your system’s capabilities.
Cartridges provide the software and interfaces that make it possible for you to
use many of the
system features and accessories. Without any car-
tridges, you will have Standard Features, which include Automatic Line Selec-
tion, Push-Button Dialing, Hold, and Intercom. Type I cartridges, called Feature
Packages, add features such as Conference Calling, Call Transfer, and Out-
ward Call Restriction to your system. Type II cartridges provide Music-on-Hold
and/or Loudspeaker Paging capabilities, and Type III cartridges provide Extra
Alert and Power Failure Transfer capabilities.
You can use the same cartridges in both Models 206 and 410, so if you start
with the smaller system and your needs grow to the extent that you need the
larger system, you don’t have to invest in new cartridges. You can simply move
them from one control unit to another.
To insert a cartridge, do as follows:
Unplug the control unit’s power cord from the ac outlet.
CAUTION: Do not insert or remove cartridges when the control unit
is connected to the ac outlet.
Match the cartridge type with one of the slot labels on the control unit.
(For example, a Feature Package is a Type I cartridge, so find the slot
labeled Type l.)
Remove the protective plastic cover from the slot.
Slide the cartridge into the slot until the cartridge is firmly seated in
Plug the power cord back into the ac outlet.
The red warning light on the control unit comes on and then goes off after
a few seconds.
If the red warning light does not go out, the cartridge(s) may not be firmly
in place. Try this:
Unplug the power cord, pull each cartridge from its slot, and push
each firmly back into place.
Plug the power cord back into the ac outlet.
If the warning light still remains lit, contact your equipment supplier for