Trouble Possible Cause
Do this
If Then
You have difficulty
Faulty network inter-
Replace the network inter- the trouble still appears on the your outside telephone lines are
placing outside calls
face line adapter
face line adapter with another basic telephone faulty. Report the trouble to your
from more than one one. Plug the basic local telephone company
voice terminal.
telephone into each of the representative.
jacks, and try to place an out-
side call. the trouble does not appear on the old line adapter is faulty.
the basic telephone Replace it with a new line adapter.
A voice terminal
Volume control 1.
Check the volume control the trouble persists go to step 2.
doesn’t ring.
switch setting on the voice terminal.
Slide the switch to a higher
Voice terminal pro- 2.
Refer to the user’s guide to voice terminal is programmed change the ringing option accor-
grammed not to ring learn how to program ringing not to ring ding to the instructions in the
user’s guide.
the voice terminal is pro- go to step 3.
grammed to ring
Do Not Disturb
Refer to the user’s guide that the feature is activated deactivate the feature following the
feature is activated
came with the Feature instructions in the User’s Guide.
(applies only if you
have a Feature
the feature is not activated refer to the test for “Trouble with
lights, speaker, and ringing.”
There is trouble with
Faulty voice terminal 1.
Slide the T/P switch on the all the red and green lights flash the voice terminal is working pro-
voice terminal lights,
side of the voice terminal to alternately, and a tone sounds perly. Go to step 3.
speaker, or ringing.
the T position and hold it continually
some (but not all) of the lights the trouble is caused by either the
flash continually and/or a tone voice terminal or the cord connec-
sounds at irregular intervals tion. Go to step 2.
all lights are off and a tone the trouble is either the control unit,
sounds continually or irregularly the voice terminal, or the cord con-
nection. Go to step 2.
Unplug the malfunctioning the same trouble appears on the the malfunctioning voice terminal
voice terminal, and in its working voice terminal probably is not faulty. The trouble is
place plug in a working voice in either the control unit or the
terminal. Slide its T/P switch cables. Plug the malfunctioning
to the T position and hold it voice terminal into its original jack
and go to step 3.
the trouble does not appear on the malfunctioning voice terminal is
the working voice terminal faulty. Contact your equipment sup-
plier for assistance.