Barbara 5559876
Directory search
To br�owse thr��ough th�e dir�ect�or�y
1.Press DIR in idle mode to display the first listing in the directory. DIRECTORY EMPTY will be displayed if there are no directory entries.
2.Press or
to browse through the directory. Entries will be displayed alphabetically by the first letter in the name.
1.Press OFF/CLEAR at anytime to exit the directory.
2.You can also display the first listing in the directory by first pressing MENU/SELECT, then MENU/SELECT to choose DIRECTORY, then press MENU/SELECT again to choose REVIEW.
Press OFF/CLEAR at anytime to exit the directory.
To sear�ch by name
1.Press DIR in idle mode to display the first listing in the directory. DIRECTORY EMPTY will be displayed if there are no directory entries.
2.When a name entry is displayed, press a dial pad keys
The directory will display the first name beginning with the first letter associat- ed with the dial pad key, if there is an entry in the directory that begins with that letter.