CL-1208 / CL-1216 User Manual

Hotkey Summary Table

[Num Lock] + [-] [Port ID] [Enter] Switches the KVM focus to the computer that corresponds to that Port ID

[A]Invokes Auto Scan Mode.

ŠWhen Auto Scan Mode is in effect, [P] or Left Click pauses Auto Scanning.

ŠWhen Auto Scanning is paused, pressing P or Left Clicking again resumes Auto Scanning.

Note: Pressing almost any of the typewriter keys (letters, numbers, Enter, Esc, Spacebar, etc.), will resume scanning.

Skips from the current port to the first accessible

[←]port previous to it. (See Scan/Skip Mode, p. 33, for information regarding accessible ports.)

[→]Skips from the current port to the next accessible port.

Skips from the current port to the last accessible

[↑]port of the previous Station. If you are at a port on the First Station you cycle backward to the last accessible port on the Last Station.

Skips from the current port to the first accessible

[↓]port of the next Station. If you are at a port on the Last Station you cycle forward to the first accessible port on the First station.

[B]Toggles the Beeper On or Off.