The name for the type of analog television signal used throughout the Americas (except Brazil) and in Japan. It draws a total of 525 vertical interlaced frames of video at a refresh rate of 60 Hz, making it relatively
Offscreen Memory
An area of memory used to preload images so that they can be quickly drawn to the screen. Offscreen memory refers to all of the remaining video memory not taken up by the front buffer, which holds the contents of the display screen currently visible.
Short for “Open Graphics Library,” this is an industry standard for cross- platform 3D graphics development. It consists of a large number of functions that can be called upon in various programs, such as games, CAD, and
under Windows®, Mac OS® X, and various forms of Unix, including Linux®.
ATI Overdrive
ATI Overdrive maximizes the performance of the GPU by dynamically altering its speed to an optimal level depending on usage. An
An acronym for “Phase Alternating Line”, the name for a video broadcast standard used in much of Europe (except France), most of Asia, the
Acronym for “Peripheral Component Interconnect”, which is the specification for a type of computer bus used for attaching computer