WEP is not completely secure. If possible please use
WPA / WPA2: If WPA or WPA2 is selected, the below screen is shown. Please set the length of the encryption key and the parameters for the RADIUS server.
1.RADIUS Server 1: Enter the IP address of and the Port used by the Primary Radius Server, enter the Shared Secret, which is used by the Radius Server.
2.RADIUS Server 2(optional): Enter the IP address of and the Port used by the Secondary Radius Server, enter the Shared Secret, which is used by the Radius Server.
Apply: For the changes made to any of the items above to be effective, click “Apply”. The new settings are now been saved to Access Point and will be effective once the Access Point restarts.
The range of radio frequencies used by IEEE 802.11g wireless devices is called a “channel”. Channels available depend on your geographical area. You may have a choice of channels (for your region) so you should use a different channel than an adjacent AP (access point) to reduce interference. Interference occurs when radio signals from different access points overlap causing interference and degrading performance.
Adjacent channels partially overlap however. To avoid interference due to overlap, your AP should be on a channel at least five channels away from
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