WebShare 142W

CHAPTER 10: Maintenance

10.1 Administration

In factory setting, the default password is atlantis, and that for user is also password. You can change the default password to ensure that someone cannot adjust your settings without your permission. Every time you change your password, please record the password and keep it at a safe place.


New Password Type the new password in this field

Confirm Password Type the new password again in this field

10.2 Time Zone

The router does not have a real time clock on board; instead, it uses the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) to get the current time from an SNTP server outside your network. Choose your local time zone. After a successful connection to the Internet, the router will retrieve the correct local time from the SNTP server you have specified. If you prefer to specify an SNTP server other than those in the drop-down list, simply enter its IP address as shown above. Your ISP may provide an SNTP server for you to use.


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