WebShare 340/440
checks these different filter rules one by one, stating from the first rule. As long as one of the rules is satisfied, the specified action will be taken.
•Add TCP/UDP Filter: Click this button to add a new packet filter rule. After click, next figure will appear.
•Add Raw IP Filter: Click this button to add a new Protocol Filter.
•Packet Filter Rules: On this table, you see packet filter rules; you can click on Edit to modify rule or Delete
•Rule Name: Insert rule name; rule name must be different
•Time Schedule: It is
•Source IP Address(es) / Destination IP Address(es): This is the
•Type: Specify the packet type (UDP or TCP) that the rule will be applied to.
•Source Port: This Port or Port Ranges defines the port allowed to be used by the Remote/WAN to connect to the application. Default is set from range 0 ~ 65535. It is recommended that this option be configured by an advanced user.
•Destiantion Port: This is the Port or Port Ranges that defines the application.
•Inbound / Outbound: Select Allow or Block the access to the Internet (“Outbound”) or from the Internet (“Inbound”).