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Cost: This is the same meaning as Hop. This should usually be left at 1. Dynamic DNS

The Dynamic DNS service allows you to alias a dynamic IP address to a static hostname. This dynamic IP address is the WAN IP address. For example, to use the service, you must first apply for an account from this free Web server http://www.dyndns.org/. There are more than 8 DDNS servers supported.

Dynamic DNS Server: Select the registered DDNS server.

Domain Name, Username and Password: Enter the registered domain name, username and password.

Period: Set the time period for the Router to exchange information with the DDNS server. In addition to update periodically according to this period setting, the Router will take the same action automatically whenever the assigned IP changes. Check Emails

Click Checking Email to get the below figure then check the “Enable” button to access the service.

This function allows you to have the router check your POP3 mailbox for new Email messages.

The Mail LED on your router will light when it detects new messages waiting for download. You may also view the status of this function using the Status – Email Checking section of the web interface, which also provides details on the number of new messages waiting. See the Status section of this manual for more information.

Disable: Check to disable the router’s Email checking function.