Unit shall be Atlas Sound 8" loudspeaker Model ______ or loudspeak-
er/transformer combination Model ______ (utilizing
former Model ______). It shall have a (5 oz.) ceramic magnet and a
seamless cone. Frequency response range shall be _____________.
Sensitivity shall be _______. Voice coil shall be black anodized to help
dissipate heat, have an impedance of 8 Ohms and a diameter of 1" (25mm). Transformer primary voltage shall be ____ with a frequency
response range of ____. Insertion loss shall not exceed ____.
C5A : Frequency Response
C5A: Impedance
C5A : Fundamental vs 2nd & 3rd Harmonic (Raised 20dB)@ 1 watt
C5A: Frequency Response Overlay at 0, 15, 30 & 45 degrees
Octave Bands Normalized to Zero On Axis
Specifications subject to change without notice
1601 JACK MCKAY BLVD. / ENNIS, TEXAS 75119 U.S.A. | AtlasSound.com |
TELEPHONE: (800) |
© 2006 Atlas Sound LP | Printed in U.S.A. | 00706 | ATS002419 RevA 07/06 |