•Programmable Audio Output for Interfacing with Common Audio DAC
– PCM Format Compatible
2S Format Compatible
•8-bit MCU C51 Core-based (FMAX = 20 MHz)
•2304 Bytes of Internal RAM
•64K Bytes of Code Memory
– AT89C5132: Flash (100K Write/Erase Cycles)
•4K Bytes of Boot Flash Memory (AT89C5132)
– ISP: Download from USB (standard) or UART (option)
•USB Rev 1.1 Device Controller
– “Full Speed” Data Transmission
•Built-in PLL
•MultiMedia Card® Interface Compatibility
•Atmel DataFlash® SPI Interface Compatibility
•IDE/ATAPI Interface
•2 Channels 10-bit ADC, 8 kHz (8 True Bits)
– Battery Voltage Monitoring
– Voice Recording Controlled by Software
•Up to 44 Bits of General-purpose I/Os
– 4-bit Interrupt Keyboard Port for a 4 x n Matrix
® Software Interface
•Two Standard 16-bit Timers/Counters
•Hardware Watchdog Timer
•Standard Full Duplex UART with Baud Rate Generator
•Two Wire Master and Slave Modes Controller
•SPI Master and Slave Modes Controller
•Power Management
– Power-on Reset
– Software Programmable MCU Clock
– Idle Mode, Power-down Mode
•Operating Conditions
–3V, ±10%, 25 mA Typical Operating at 25°C
– Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C
– TQFP80, PLCC84 (Development Board Only)
1. Description
The AT89C5132 is a mass storage device controlling data exchange between various
Flash modules, HDD and CD-ROM.
The AT89C5132 includes 64K Bytes of Flash memory and allows In-System Program-
ming through an embedded 4K Bytes of Boot Flash Memory.
The AT89C5132 include 2304 Bytes of RAM memory.
The AT89C5132 provides all the necessary features for man-machine interface
including, timers, keyboard port, serial or parallel interface (USB, SPI, IDE), ADC
input, I2S output, and all external memory interface (NAND or NOR Flash, SmartMe-
dia, MultiMedia, DataFlash cards).
2. Typical Applications
• Flash Recorder/Writer
• PDA, Camera, Mobile Phone
• PC Add-on
USB Microcontroller with 64K Bytes Flash MemoryAT89C5132 4173ES–USB–09/07