Host Software
RFID Application Kit ATAK2270 User Manual 5-17
The structure of the ATA5577 user interface differs from the other transponder types.
In the Setup window, four tabs – Transp. Settings, Write, Read and ISO 11784 – and the Downlink sec-
tion allow the configuration, reading, writing and programming and reading transponder according ISO
11784/85 standard. Downlink Settings
The Downlink section, above the tabs, indicates the current downlink mode from the reader to the tran-
sponder. Downlink modes are selectable as follows:
Downlink Protocol Fixed Bit Length, Long Leading Reference or Leading Zero Reference
(1-of-4 Coding is not supported by the software)
Fast Write Method Not released for Basic Mode selection
Password Mode see Section 5.4.1 ”Password PWD Mode”
Note, downlink write commands must be sent with the protocol mode that is currently used by the tran-
sponder, otherwise the transponder will not understand the command. Transponder Setting tab
The Transp. Setting tab is divided into two sections. The first, the Configuration Setup on the left side, is
used to define bit set of block0. The second section AFE-Option Setup, on the right, is used to adjust the
behavior of Analog Front-End AFE via bit set of block3/page1. The resulting bit strings are displayed at
the bottom of each section in the Bitstring of Configuration Block text boxes.
Click the Default Configuration Set restores the default Configuration Setup settings. Click the Default
AFE-Option Set, restores the AFE options. The Reset Transponder button is used to isse a a reset com-
mand to transponder within the field. Configuration Setup:
Selected parameters are sent to the transponder by clicking the Write Configuration Set button. Default
parameters are indicated in bold.
– Basic Mode Rf/8, Rf/16, Rf/32, Rf/40, Rf/50, Rf/64, Rf/100 and Rf/128
– Extended Mode Rf / (2n + 2) for n = 0 to 63 (default Rf/32)
Coding: Manchester, Biphase, direct, PSK..., FSK,...
ID-Code Length: Block0, Block1, Block 1 to 2, Block 1 to 3, ..., Block 1 to 7
Password: A ctivates password mode (default = not activated)
(see Section 5.4.1 ”Password PWD Mode” )
Lock Config. Block: Locks the configuration block0 of the transponder (default = not
Once locked, the configuration can never be changed. Use this feature
with care
Answer On Request: Activates anticollision mode (selecting this shows an additional button on
the read tab for AOR wake-up,
see Section 5.4.2 ”Answer On Request AOR Mode”