RFID Application Kit ATAK2270 User Manual 1-1
Section 1Introduction1.1 RFID Products Promoted by ATAK2270 Kit
The RFID application kit (ordering code ATAK2270) promotes the key features of various RFID products
from Atmel®.
The following products are supported by the kit:
U2270B Read/write base station IC
TK5530/e5530 Read-only transponder
TK5551 Standard read/write transponder
TK5552/T5552 Read/write transponder micromodule with 1-Kbit memory
T5557/ATA5567 Multifunctional read/write transponder
ATA5570 Multifunctional read/write transponder with sensor input
ATA5577 Enhanced read/write transponder
1.2 Included Hardware Components
Microcontroller board with piggybacked antenna board
Reader antenna coil 100 mm∅, L = 700 µH, Q = 36
Serial communication cable RS232
Jack connector cable for power supply
Power supply 120V to 240V
Installation software and documentation on CD-ROM
Atmel Standard Products CD-ROM
IC samples (3 pieces of each): U2270B-MFP; TK5530-HM232-PP; TK5551M-PP; TK5552A-PP;
T555711-TAS; T555715-PAE; ATA556711-TAS; ATA556715-PAE; ATA5570-TAS; ATA5577Mxxx-xx;
ISO Card ATA556715-PAE; Coin Tag ATA556715-PAE
Transponder SMD antenna coil SDTR 1103, 4.77 mH, Q = 25 (Manufacturer: Predan)
Transponder test board ATAB5570 with sensor input
1.3 Equipment Needed
Host PC with Windows® 95 or higher