DNM-UNIX Release 4.0 Installation and Getting Started
3Installing and Upgrading DNM
Understanding Auto-Discovery Errors and Problems
December 2001
Message Read Only Map - Auto-Discovery Terminated
Execute Auto-Discovery from a read-write submap.
Review the Applications Alert Event log and the Events Categories window to further
troubleshoot events that may be related.
Problem Auto-Discovery did not find a Proxy Agent.
Cause: Auto-Discovery does not recognize the Proxy Agent as a SNMP managed node.
Solutions: Answer the questions below:
aDo you have permission to use Auto-Discovery? If not, see the system administrator.
bIs the Proxy Agent running? If not, start the Proxy Agent and execute
cIs the Proxy Agent release 4.0? If not, Auto-Discovery does not recognize earlier
dIs the Proxy Agent in the IP Internet map structure for the Proxy Agent? If not, verify
that the correct version of the Proxy agent product is installed and running on the
Proxy Agent PC. In addition, if the Proxy Agent is not in the NMS seed file, ask the
system administrator to manually add the Proxy Agent to the NMS seed file.
eDoes the active submap have read/write permission? If not, open a different submap
with read/write permissions.