3 Windows Server Installation
Windows Server CD
The Infrastructure Windows Server CD contains the following Integrated Management products:
•Network Management applications:
—Avaya Network Management Console
—Avaya Network Configuration Manager
—Avaya Software Update Manager
—Avaya VoIP Monitoring Manager
•Device Managers:
—Avaya P130 Manager
—Avaya P330/G700 Manager
—Avaya P580/P882 Manager
—Avaya C460 Manager
—Avaya G350 Manager
—Avaya Wireless AP 3/4/5 Manager
The Infrastructure Windows Server CD also contains the following components:
•Avaya Integrated Management Home Page
•Java Runtime Environment
•Apache2 Web Server
•Adobe Acrobat Reader (required to view documents)
Avaya Integrated Management, Network Infrastructure Management Installation and Upgrade | 9 |