DomainX Budget Calculation
The maximum number of DomainX modules you can insert in the hub is determined by domain usage considerations, as follows (M-SPV refers to either the M-SPV or the M-SPX in the following examples):
The Avaya M770 allows a maximum of 100 Domain Resource Units (DRUs) for DomainXL (Left DomainX - slots 1-7) and the M-SPV, and 100 DRUs for DomainXR (Right DomainX - slots 8-14) and the M-SPV. Each of the DomainX modules, as well as the M-SPV module, has a DRU budget, as shown in the table below. When planning your hub configuration, calculate whether it fits the Avaya M770 DRU budget.
Table 2.1 DRU Budget of DomainX Modules
Module Name | DRU Budget |
| |
| |
M-SPV/M-SPX | 10 DRUs |
| |
M12-100T | 18 DRUs |
| |
M12-100F | 18 DRUs |
| |
M2-1000 | 15 DRUs |
| |
M-MLS | 6 DRUs |
| |
M14-10F | 6 DRUs |
| |
M24-10T | 9 DRUs |
| |
Budget Calculation Examples
1If you have six M14-10F modules, an M2-1000 module and the M-SPV you get: 6*6+15+10 = 61 DRUs. Assuming that you have the same configuration on the DomainXL and Domain XR switches you get a total of 168 Ethernet, 12 Fast Ethernet and 4 Gigabit ports.
2If you have five M12-100 modules and the M-SPV you get: 5*18+10 = 100 DRUs. Assuming that there are five modules on both the DomainXL and Domain XR switches you get a total of 120 ports.
3If you have six M2-1000 modules and the M-SPV you get: 6*15+10=100 DRUs. Assuming that there are six modules on both the DomainXL and Domain XR switches you get a total of 24 Gigabit Ethernet ports and 72 Fast Ethernet ports.
4If you have four M12-100 modules, one M2-1000 and the M-SPV/M-SPX you get: 4*18+15+10=97 DRUs. This is less than 100 DRUs and is therefore another possible configuration.