14. Other helpful products from Philips AVENT
Philips AVENT ISIS Out & About Manual | AVENT ISIS Breast Shell Set (2 pairs) |
Breast Pump Set – for expressing and | with Ultrasoft Backing Cushion – |
transporting breast milk. | to protect sore/cracked nipples, |
| help ease engorgement and |
| collect leaking breast milk. |
AVENT Breast Milk/Baby Food Containers – | AVENT Nipple Protectors – |
for storage of breast milk or baby food | to protect sore/cracked nipples |
in the fridge or freezer. | during breastfeeding (small and |
| standard sizes). |
AVENT VIA Breast Milk Storage – | AVENT Ultra Comfort Disposable |
Breast Pads – unique ULTRA | |
for expressed milk storage and transport. | absorbent core guarantees total |
| dryness and comfort. |
Having your first baby is the greatest life change you will ever experience. The first few weeks can be emotional and you may receive confusing, conflicting advice from well meaning friends and relatives. Trust in yourself and get help from your midwife, health visitor, breastfeeding advisor, or other mothers who have breastfed.
Further reading and useful information
Bestfeeding – Getting Breastfeeding Right for You
Mary Renfrew, Chloe Fisher and Suzanne Arms. £12.99
ISBN: 0890879559
Breastfeeding for Beginners
Caroline Deacon. £7.99
ISBN: 0007136080
The NCT Book of Breastfeeding
Mary Smale. £8.99
ISBN: 0091825695
National Childbirth Trust (Breastfeeding Line) 0870 444 8708
La Leche League – 020 7242 1278 (24 hr helpline)
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers 0870 401 7711
Tamba – Twins and Multiple Births Association 0870 770 3305
Bliss – The Premature Baby Charity
(Parent Support Helpline) 0500 618140
Crysis – National organisation giving advice on crying babies 0207 404 5011 (9 a.m. to 10 p.m.)
Guide to Breastfeeding DVD
As well as instruction on all aspects of breastfeeding, this 15 minute film features interviews with
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