AXIS 209FD/FD-R/FD-R M12 13
Video & Image
Use these settings to change the image as required. The image can be rotated, the image resolution and compression be adjusted, and the white balance be changed. The image can also be mirrored to change the perspective.
The configuration of the video image will affect the camera’s overall performance, depending on how it is used and on the available bandwidth. Setting higher resolution and lower compression improves video image quality, but increases the amount of bandwidth required.
Please see the online help for further information on these settings.
Mirroring is the horizontal flipping of an image, that gives you another image perspective. This does not affect performance.
Mirroring is a useful function when you need a direct view of the image - for example, in ATMs and door phones. A person looks into the camera and a direct view of the face is displayed. The mirror settings should be defined before we define the parameters for privacy masks and motion detection.
Text Overlay Settings
The date, time, and user defined text can be included on one line, either on the top or bottom of the video image.
It is also possible to set how the text and text background are displayed. You can set the text to be either black or white, and the text background can also be set to black, white,
Please see the online help for further information .
Text, date and time overlay