Page 12 | AXIS |
Set up your computer
This section will help you install AXIS NVR Manager and AXIS Camera Station Client and configure it for your Axis NVRs and Axis Network Cameras. A brief introduction to the functionality of the software is covered here. For more information see the context sensitive help files or, for AXIS Camera Station see the User’s Manual available at www.axis.com
AXIS NVR Manager is for discovery, configuration and firmware upgrade of AXIS
AXIS Camera Station Client is for monitoring, recording, playback and event management of Axis network cameras. Launch AXIS Camera Station Client from AXIS NVR Manager and follow the install wizard’s instructions or download from www.axis.com.
Minimum recommended requirements for AXIS NVR Manager and AXIS Camera Station Client
PC minimum requirements:
•Memory: 1 GB RAM
•Software: Windows XP SP2, Server 2003 SP2, Vista, Windows 7 (For other operating sys- tems, see www.axis.com/techsup), Microsoft .NET 3.5 (included in installation package)
•Support for DirectX 9.0c
For individual PC requirements for AXIS Camera Station Client refer to the AXIS Camera Station User’s Manual.