Limited Warranty
B&K Components Ltd., referred to herein as B&K, warrants your B&K equipment against all defects in material
and workmanship for a period of five years from the date of purchase. This warranty applies only to the original
purchaser and only to equipm ent in norm al residential us e and service. Def ective equipm ent mus t be returned to
B&K, prepaid, accompanied by sufficient payment to cover the cost of return shipping and handling, and will be
repaired or replaced at the discretion of B&K whose decision as to the method of reparation will be final.
This warranty shall not apply to any equipment which is f ound to have been im properly installed, inc orrec tly fused,
mis used, abused, or subjec ted to harm ful elem ents, used in any way not in accordance with instruc tions supplied
with the unit, or to have been modified, repaired or altered in any way without the expressed, written consent of
B&K. This warranty does not apply to the cabinet, the remote controller, or appearance items such as the
faceplate, control buttons, or display lenses, nor does it cover any expenses incurred in shipping the unit to and
from the manufacturer’s service depot.
No warranty, implied or otherwise created by State law shall extend beyond the terms of this warranty and B&K
shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential dam age arising out of a defec t in m aterial or workm ans hip of
the unit during the terms of this warranty or thereafter. Some States do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
incidental or consequential damages and the foregoing exclusions may not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights. Your may also have other rights which vary from State to State.
No agent, representative, dealer or em ployee of B&K has the authority to increase or alter the obligations or term s
of this warranty.
B&K Components Ltd.
Warranty on Remote control is 1 year parts and labor. Customer is responsible for
shipping to and from the factory
No equipment m ay be returned to B&K Components Ltd. without a RETURN AUTHOR IZATION. Should you find
it necessary to return equipment to B&K, for any reason, a RETURN AUTHORIZATION (RA) number must be
issued by B&K in respect of the equipm ent being r eturned. You may request an RA num ber by calling B&K at the
number s below. We will need the following information to issue your RA number. Please have it ready before you
1. Your name, address, and phone number.
2. The model and serial number of the equipment being returned.
3. A description of the problem being experienced.
4. Your sales receipt.
Your call will be referred to a T ec hnical Service Repres entative who will work with you to resolve the pr oblem . If it
is determined that the unit must be returned for repair, an RA number will be issued.
B&K Components Ltd. 2100 Old Union Road, Buffalo New York 14227
1-800-543-5252 or 1-716-656-0026
78 p/n 12858 Rev. 0717A