Environmental Temperature and Humidity Monitoring
SureCross™ Wireless Nodes equipped with FlexPower™ and a thermocouple or RTD can be easily implemented for monitoring optimal barn temperature ranges or dairy bulk tank temperatures, triggering a setpoint alarm if the acceptable range is exceeded. Specialized Nodes can accommodate temperature and humidity sensors for monitoring and alarm output on one device.
Air Flow/Ventilation Monitoring
The ventilation system is monitored with a flow meter attached to a Flex Node. An alarm is sent if the system fails, enabling the staff to take action in the case of a lightning strike or other unpredictable events that can lead to the loss of livestock.
Ethanol Plant Water Monitoring
Ethanol processing facilities can use millions of gallons of water per day. SureCross Wireless Nodes equipped with FlexPower and pressure sensors can precisely
monitor critical water holding tank levels, sending data to a SureCross Gateway and Banner
Municipal Water Monitoring
Monitoring multiple data points including fill level, pH, conductivity and
15 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA