__________________________________________________________________ ________________________
Set Word Size by selecting #3, “Set Word
Size.” The DS71-MD2 displays the
following list of available word sizes:
1 For 5
2 For 6
3 For 7
4 For 8
Enter the corresponding number for the
desired word size. The DS71 responds with
the new configuration status:
Module 1 Serial Port Configuration :
Port Device
Name Baud
Rate Word
Size Stop
Bits Parity Xon/
Xmit Xoff/
Recv Line
DTR Drive
2Host MODEM 115.2K 8 1 None Off Off High High
Exit/Save..….......1 Set Parity...….........5
Set Baud Rate….2 Set Xon/Xoff….......6
Set Word Size….3 RTS Line Driver....7
Set Stop Bits..…..4 DTR Line Driver...8
Enter Request :
To permanently save configuration changes,
select #1, “Exit/Save,” from the selection
menu, followed by <cr>. The DS71-MD2
Change Host Device to Match NEW Configuration
Before Answering this Request
Save Changes Permanently ? (Y/N) :
IMPORTANT: This message reminds you to change the serial port
configuration of the host terminal to match the new configuration
changes made to the serial port on the host module. If they do not
match, the DS71-MD2 will be unable to interpret the next command,
and you will be unable to access any connected unit. If this happens,
recycle power and reconfigure the unit. Make any necessary changes
to the host device before answering "Save Changes Permanently?"