__________________________________________________________________ ________________________
if you want the attention character to be "%",
type % followed by <cr>. The host module
displays the new attention character and asks
if you want to change.
Attention Character is............ %
Change It? (Y/N):
If there are no additional changes, type "N”
for no followed by <cr>. The DS71 or DS71-
MD2 module stores the new attention
character in non-volatile memory and returns
to the main configuration menu.
DISCONNECT TIME When using the Attention Character Method,
GUARD it is possible for the same character being
sent as data from another device to be
interpreted by the host module as the
attention character. This could result in
unwanted port disconnection. If enabled, the
Disconnect Time Guard feature provides
reliable binary data transmission by
providing a one-second “timeguard” after
the host module receives the attention
character. If more data is received within
the delay period, the host module treats the
character as data, not an attention character;
thereby preventing unwanted port
disconnection. Default Disconnect Time
Guard is disabled.
From the configuration menu, select #6, “Disconnect Time Guard,”
followed by <cr>. The host module displays the current status and asks if
you want to change:
Disconnect Time Guard is..................Disabled
Enable? (Y/N, CR for no change):