__________________________________________________________________ ________________________
If you fail to enter the Secondary NBNS
address is dotted decimal form, the DS73TP
responds again:
Enter Secondary NBNS address in dotted decimal
The DS73TP responds indefinitely with the
same request until the Secondary NBNS
address is entered in the correct form.
User Name The User Name is required when
establishing a connection to the network.
From the configuration menu, Select #9,
“User Name,” followed by <cr>. The
DS73TP module responds with the current
user name and asks if you want to change.
Default User Name is user1:
Current User Name: user1
Enter User Name (8 chars. max.):
If desired, enter a new user name (8 chars.
max.). The DS73TP stores the change in
non-volatile memory and resumes the
configuration menu.
NOTE: User Name is Case Sensitive.
Password If enabled, password entry is required when
establishing a connection to the network and
before making DS73TP configurations.
From the configuration menu, Select #10,
“Password,” followed by <cr>. The
DS73TP module responds with the current
password and asks if you want to change.
Default Password is BTA:
Current Password: BTA
Enter Password (8 chars. max.):