13EUROLIGHT LC2412 User Manual

4.2Crossfading between different setups

4.2.1 Crossfading between presets and memories

Crossfading between memories and presets works exactly the same way as crossfading between two presets. The only difference is that the EUROLIGHT LC2412 has to be in memory mode.

1.Activate a stored scene (see chapter 4.1.2).

2.Activate a preset by using a fader from the A PRESET section; fader A remains locked.

3.Now pull fader B down and fader A up. The preset appears at the console output, while the memories dissappear.

4.2.2Crossfading between memories There are several ways to crossfade between memories:

Crossfading steplessly using the FLASH keys

Please take the following required steps, as follows:

1.Disengage the CHANNEL FLASH key (32);

2.Pull up the CHASE fader (50);

3.Press the INSERT key (49);

4.Adjust the X-FADE control (51) to the desired fade in/out speed;

5.Press the FLASH key (one of the (22) / (23) keys).

The memory is faded in. You determine the illumination level by using the CHASE and the MAIN fader. To switch to another memory, simply press another FLASH key. You can alternate between two memories (the current one and the one selected before it) by using the STEP key (53). You can fade in the current preset setting instead of the memory by using the PRESET FLASH key (44).

Faders A and B ((41) and (42)) as well as the faders of the B MEMORY section and the A PRESET section can be pulled down; in that case, only the memories/presets activated by means of the FLASH keys are visible.

If you are currently replaying a chase, it will be interrupted as soon as you hit the INSERT key. When you hit the INSERT key for the second time, the chase resumes.

Manually crossfading between memories using the X-FADER

If you activate the MANUAL key (54) in addition to the setup desicribed in chapter 4.2.2, you can then determine the crossfade times by switching from memory to memory using the X-FADE fader.

1.Select a memory using a FLASH key.

2.Now, move the X-FADE fader to an end position, and the memory will be faded in.

If you select no new memory, you can alternate between the two most recently used memories back and forth.

Fading memories out

To fade memories out, release the INSERT key (49) . If you pull the X-FADE fader in the same direction while having faded in a memory right before that, the memory is faded out only when you pull the control down again. Renewed pulling the control upwards, no memory is displayed.

Activating a chase and interrupting it by pressing the INSERT key fades in the next CHASE step when you pull the X-FADE fader upward. To fade out, you have to first select a chase that contains no steps (see chapter 6.2).

When you let go of the MANUAL key, using the STEP key (53) lets you fade out withing the time set up using the X-FADE fader.

When a chase is active, and you interrupt it by pressing the INSERT key, pressing the STEP key fades the next chase step in.

4.2.3 Crossfading between memories of different banks

You can change your current storage bank by selecting a new bank using the UP/DOWN keys. The memory activated previously remains on the stage unti you pull the fader to zero. The LEDs of the UP/DOWN keys flash in case there are active memories belonging to the “abandoned” bank. Pull up a memory fader, and the memory stored at this location in the new storage bank is activated.

The memories that were activated before you changed the bank remain visible on the stage until you pull the fader down into its zero position. This way, you can see multiple memories on the stage (and the respective control lights).

4.3 Preset flash and memory flash

4.3.1 Preset flash

This key activates the flash function for the A PRESET section. If the solo function is not active, PRESET FLASH adds a lighting configuration (set up in the A PRESET section) to an active memory (fader A (41) at zero). When the solo function is active, “pulled up” memories are switched off.


Memory mode, memory fader (13) raised Fader A (41) closed, MAIN fader (43) raised

Fade in the preset configuration using PRESET FLASH. The A PRESET fader and the MAIN fader determine the illumination level.

With solo function: memories are deactivated.

4.3.2 Memory flash

The “memory flash” function can be activated to abruptly implement stored presets (memories) into an active preset, instead of smoothly fading it in using a fader.

No memory can be recalled in preset mode. Additionally, the “memory flash” function can not be executed.


Memory mode, memory fader (13) raised,

Fader A raised, fader B closed or partially raised, MAIN fader raised.

Fade in the “pulled up” memories using the MEMORY FLASH. The B MEMORY fader and the MAIN fader determine the illumination level.

With solo function: The preset is deactivated.