8EUROLIGHT LC2412 User Manual

Exception: When the LC2412 is in preset mode (“P” shown in the bank display), the faders control the same channels as the faders of the A PRESET section. This way, you can simul-taneously create a second preset.

(14)(17) These faders are also a part of this section, but they have a double function. When the LC2412 is in sound to light mode (party light function), they control the illumination level of individual memories assigned to particular frequency ranges.

(18)The BANK display shows the storage bank to which the memories you recall belong. It also shows if the LC2412 is currently in preset mode (“P” diplayed). The display starts flashing when you switch into preset mode, and lights up constantly after three seconds. The preset mode is active only after the flashing has stopped. This prevents accidental activation of the preset mode as well as rough fades.

(19)UP/DOWN keys. Use them to select a preset bank (0 - 9) or switch into preset mode (P). The control lights flash when you select a new bank while memories from the previous bank are still active (the fader(s) is(are) pulled up). Pull the fader(s) ((13), (14) - (17)) down to fade the memory out. When you pull the fader(s) up again, the memory of the new preset bank is visible on the stage (also see chapter 4.1.2).

(20)SOUND TO LIGHT key. See chapter 2.3.

(21)PREVIEW key. It gives you the option to preview (or modify) stored memories one more time before implementing them on the stage. This is particularly useful when you saved chases as memories and wish to double-check and/or modify their speed before integrating them into a running show. When “preview” is activated, the chases are shown on control LEDs exclusively.

Each fader is assigned to a FLASH key (section (4)). This key is used to assign a specific bank position to individual presets while programming a memory.

2.3Control elements of the Sound-to-light section ( 3 )

The SOUND-TO-LIGHTcontrols are located in the right-hand section of the B MEMORY section.

If the sound-to-light function is active, memories 9 - 12 are controlled by a music signal, whereby the volume of the signal dictates the illumination level of the memories. The music signal is divided into three frequency ranges (bass, mids, higs). One memory slot is assigned to each of the three frequency ranges.

For optimal results, please put the faders to the middle position. This will let you bring individual settings of memories into sync with one another, should the levels vary from memory to memory.




(14) (15) (16) (17)

Fig. 2.4: The SOUND-TO-LIGHT section

(14)The PAUSE fader is, just like the fader (13), used primarily to control the illumination level of memories. If the sound-to-light function is active, it controls a memory slot assigned to run during program breaks between two musical pieces.

(15)The BASS fader takes over the basic configuration of the illumination levels for the memory slot assigned to the bass portion of the frequency range.

(16)The MID fader is conversely assigned to the mids.

(17)The TREBLE fader is conversely assigned to the highs.

(18)and (19): Bank display and UP/DOWN keys, see chapter 2.2.

(20)The SOUND-TO-LIGHTkey activates the sound-to-light funtion.

The music signal necessary for controlling the show can be fed into the ANALOG INPUT connector located at the rear of the LC2412.

2.4 Section ( 4 ): FLASH keys and SOLO


Fig. 2.5: The FLASH keys

(22)FLASH keys. Pressing one of the FLASH keys sets the respective channel to the maximum illumination level set on the MAIN fader, independent from its own fader position. For this purpose, the CH FLASH key has to be pressed. The channel flash function is automatically activated in preset mode.

(23)Dual-function FLASH keys. Memories or chases can be stored to memory positions 9 - 12 (chase to memory). When a respective storage bank is selected, chases are indicated with yellow LEDs. Chases can also be recalled by using the Flash keys.


When the solo function is simultaneously active (SOLO key (31), LED lit), all other emitters or light elements are deactivated. Only the channel selected via the Flash key is still active.

2.4.1 Disabling the solo function

You have the option to exclude specific channels from the solo function, so that these channels remain active even when “Solo” is activated.

Disabling solo is achieved by performing the folloing programming sequence:

1.Press UTILITY 1 (28).

2.Select the option DISABLE SOLO by using the SOFT A key (38) located below the display. The channel for which the solo function should be disabled or enabled is shown in the top left section of the display. The respective disabled/enabled status of the said channel is indicated to the right of the channel number itself.

3.To select the channel you wish to adjust, turn the DATA wheel (36). The desired channel can also be selected by using the Flash key (for channels 13 - 24: first press the UPPER key).

4.SOFT B (39) selects “DISABLE” and thus disables the solo function for this channel; SOFT A selects “ENABLE”.

5.To exit this procedure, press the QUIT key (40), thus confirming the procedure.

When you disable the solo function for a particular channel,

the channel remains active in case when it is part of an activated memory that fades after pressing one of the FLASH keys.