19EUROLIGHT LC2412 User Manual


PC with MIDI-software


LC2412 rear

DMX512 Out

DMX512 In


Fig. 7.4: MIDI connection

7.6 Storing data on a memory card

The EUROLIGHT LC2412 is an extremely flexible lighting console, and you can use it for a plethora of possible applications. You can additionally expand the range of its possible applications by storing complete chases and memories onto a memory card (PCMCIA ATA Flash card with 4 MB memory). This feature proves itself particularly useful when you work for various artists on different locations: you will save yourself a lot of time and worries.

Insert the memory card into its slot (24). The LC2412 automatically recognizes the card. To use a new card, you first have to format it. To do that, select “YES”.

Now you can select one of the 25 storage locations using the DATA wheel. Each of the 25 locations can store the complete set of data containing all console settings.

The display shows if the storage location you selected already contains some data or not.

With the SOFT A (“SAVE”) you can now transmit the data from the console’s memory onto the memory card. Pressing SOFT B (“LOAD”) transmitts the data in the other direction: from the memory card into the memory of the console.

Attention: Storing data on a storage location that already contains some data automatically replaces this data. Similarly, the data on the console’s memory is replaced when you transmit the data from the memory card. If you wish to keep this data, make sure to first store it to a memory card.

Since the LC2412 uses its own data format, once you format a memory card on it, you can no longer read this card on a PC!

7.7 Adjusting differing illumination levels

The EUROLIGHT LC2412 lets you adjust illumination levels of various lighting elements to one another so they better match each other. This lets you increase illumination levels of lighting elements whose illumination is insufficient for a specific fader position. In that case, the lighting element whose illumination level was insufficient shines sufficiently brightly.

Program this setting by doing the following:

1.Press UTILITY 1.

2.Select the “MORE” option using SOFT B.

3.Select “SELECT CURVE” using SOFT A.

4.The display now shows in its upper left portion the channel, to its right the status “LINEAR” (standard setting) or “CURVE” (increase). You can now set up the desired setting for this channel by using SOFT A or SOFT B.

5.By using the DATA wheel you can select the desired channel.

6.Complete the programming procedure by pressing QUIT.

7.8Erasing all settings/displaying software version

To erase all programmed settings and start from scratch, do the following:

1.Press and keep pressed the SOFT A and SOFT B keys. Then press the FLASH 1 key. The software version is shown in the display.Die Software-Version wird im Display angezeigt. Turn the DATA wheel to get to additional menus and displays (erase memory, lock programming functions, free memory, internal A/D converter condition, self-test).

2.“DELETE ALL” appears in the display, along with the “YES” option. Select this option with SOFT B.

Fig. 7.5: Display “erase all settings”

3.We have created an additional step for your safety. Use the Soft A (“NO”) or Soft B (“YES”) keys located under the respective options to select one or the other. Selecting “YES” erases all memories and stored chases. In doing so, all settings relevant to the console’s functions are reset to their factory settings (SOLO ALL ENABLED, CURVE ALL LINEAR).