Channel Search options
1.Press button to select SETUP in the main menu
2.Press button to select your option what you want to adjust in the SETUP menu.
3.Press button to adjust.
4.When you are satisfied with your adjustment,press the
Press | button to select Manual Search,Press ENTER or | button to set the Manual Tuning. |
T he c u rre nt channe l num ber.Pr es s to sel ec t the upper or lower channel ,Pres s 0~9 to se le ct the ch a nnel d ire ct ly.
Start Search
To s e l e ct wh eth e r to st art seaching in begin /s e ar ch in g /f in ished .
Sercice Found
T h e s er vic es be found .
Signal Quality
T h e s i g nal qu a l it y o f current c h anne l.
Signal Strength
T h e s i g nal s treng th o f curr ent ch a nnel.
T h e fre q uency of curren t c hann e l .