PB6100 Lamp on Sequence
Signal Voltage Change Description
POWERON LowÆHigh 1. This signal should go from low to high after all
the DC supplies are within spec. Then RESETZ
can go high.
2. After the power key pressed 3 second
continuously, the POWERON signal will
RESETZ LowÆHigh DMD is working, when the DMD reset.
LAMPEN LowÆHigh Lamp lights up.
LAMPLIT LowÆHigh Indicate ”Lamp on”.
PB6100 Normal Lamp off Sequence
Signal Voltage Change Description
RESETZ HighÆLow DMD is off.
LAMPEN HighÆLow Lamp is off.
LAMPLIT HighÆLow Indicate “lamp off“.
POWERON HighÆLow Power down the system, but the peripherals of the
CPU still power on.