3. Blue value: adjust here to check DMD fail pixel.
4. Scaling: tell you what scaling mode is using now.
5. Pc/PbPr Mode: index of input timing
6. RS232: Enable / Disable RS232 control
VII. FAN Layer.
T1-DMD: DMD sensor temperature
T2-Lamp: Lamp sensor temperature
T3-Blwr: Blower sensor temperature
F1-Lamp:Lamp fan speed in RPM
F2-Blst: Blaster fan speed in RPM
F3-Blwr : Blower fan speed in RPM
Manual Fan Speed: Change fan speed by manual.
SOG Threshold : Change SOG threshold level of AD
More Options: Change to Fac7 submenu
(Fac7 Submenu)
( This menu only for control testing)