e. Packet to Target (BenQ PB6XXX) structure (Table 3)
Byte0 0xBE
Byte1 0xEF
Byte2 0x01 Packet Type
Byte3 0x05 Packet size (Low)
Byte4 0x00 Packet size (High)
Byte5 0xA9 CRC (Low)
Byte6 0xC6 CRC (High)
Byte7 0x00 System Info Type
Byte8 0x00
Byte9 0x00 Version Number
Byte10 0x00 Object ID
Byte11 0x00 Level
Tab le 3
B. Send Command
1. Introduction
Command packets consist of “Header” and “Payload”. The Packet Header is consistent for all packets. The Packet
Payload type and content varies based on the type of packet sent. The entire packet size is variable, being the sum of the
fixed-size Packet Header and variable-sized Packet Payload.
Packet Header (fixed size) Packet Payload (variable size)
Figure 2 Packet Format
Packet Header Format
All Packets use the same Packet Header format illustrated Figure 3.
Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Magic Number Type Packet Payload Size CRC
0xBE 0xEF type size_lo size_hi crc_lo crc_hi
Figure 3 Packet Format