6. Turn the fabric-select dial to appropriate steam setting (between 4
and 6) for your fabric (E). Read garment’s label to help you
determine fabric type.
The temperature-ready light glows green until it reaches the
appropriate temperature.
It then glows on and off during ironing. This is normal.
7. When finished ironing, turn the fabric-select dial to lowest heat
setting, move the dry/steam selector to and unplug the iron.
Use to remove stubborn creases.
• Horizontal
1. With Tank 1 filled with water to the MAX mark, turn the fabric-select dial to at least
setting 4 and wait for the temperature-ready light to go off.
2. To remove tough wrinkles, pump the button at 5-second intervals for
a concentrated blast of steam.
• Vertical Use for removing wrinkles from hanging clothes and drapes.
1. Hang the garment to be steamed on a clothes hanger
(curtains or drapes can be steamed once they are hung).
2. Move the selector to .
3. Hold the iron close to, but not touching, the fabric.
4. Pull the fabric tight in your free hand and pump the
button as you move the iron over the fabric (F).
Using Downy Wrinkle Releaser®Liquid
1. Grasp Tank 2 fill cap, twist and pull off. Be careful not to pull
it too hard (G).
2. Pour Downy Wrinkle Releaser®liquid into opening to fill
tank (H).
3. Replace cap and twist to close.
4. Press button to apply to fabric as you iron.
5. If spray is weak, pump the button a few times.
Using Water Only
Important: For best results, do not mix tap water with Downy
Wrinkle Releaser®liquid.
1. Repeat step 1 above.
2. Using a clean cup, fill Tank 2 with water (J).
3. Replace cap and twist to close.
4. Press button to spray water as you iron.
5. If spray is weak, pump the button a few times.
The anti-drip system prevents water spotting at low temperatures.
1. Make sure selector is set to . You may want to empty the water (see “Emptying
Water Tank 1 After Ironing - Optional”).
2. Turn the fabric-select dial to the lowest setting.
Read garment’s label to help you determine fabric type.
The temperature-ready light glows until it reaches the appropriate temperature.
It then glows on and off during ironing.
3. When finished ironing, unplug the iron and place it on its heel rest.
4. Move the dry/steam selector to .
The automatic shutoff feature in your iron works as follows:
Once the iron reaches appropriate temperature, it will turn off
after 30 seconds of inactivity if left on its soleplate or tipped over
on its side. If left vertically on its heel rest, it will shut off after
8 minutes (K).
As soon as you pick up the iron, it will start heating again.
Note: Wait for iron to reheat completely before resuming
Note: It is not necessary to empty the water after each use.
1. Turn the fabric-select dial to the lowest setting.
2. Unplug the iron and let it cool.
3. Open the water-fill cover.
4. Empty the water by holding the iron over a sink with the tip
pointing down. Water will empty out of water-fill opening (L).
Care and Cleaning
This product contains no user serviceable parts. Refer service to qualified service
1. Make sure iron is unplugged and has cooled completely.
2. Wipe the soleplate and outer surfaces with a soft cloth dampened with water and a mild
household detergent. Never use abrasives, heavy-duty cleansers, vinegar or scouring
pads that may scratch or discolor the iron.
3. After cleaning, plug in the iron.
4. Steam iron over an old cloth to remove any residue from the steam vents.
To keep the steam vents free of any buildup, about once a month follow these instructions.
1. Fill Tank 1 with water well below the MAX line.
2. Plug in the iron.
3. Turn the fabric-select dial to 6 and stand the iron on its heel rest. Allow it to heat until
the auto shutoff indicator light goes out and comes on again.
4. Turn fabric-select dial to lowest setting, unplug the iron and hold over a sink with the
soleplate facing down.
8 minutes
30 seconds
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