CUTTING ALUMINUMAluminum extrusions used for making aluminum screens and storm windows can easily be cut with your compound
miter saw. When cutting aluminum extrusions,or other sections that can be cut with a saw blade and arewithin the
capacity of the machine, position the material so the blade is cutting through the smallest cross-section (Fig. 31).
The wrong way to cut aluminum angles is illustrated in Fig. 32. Be sure to apply a stick wax to the blade before
cutting aluminum stock. This stick wax is available at most industrial mill supply houses. The wax provides proper
lubrication and keeps chips fromadhering to the blade.
Never apply lubricant to the blade while the machine is running .
Fig. 32
Fig. 31
CUTTING BOWED MATERIALWhen cutting flat pieces, first check to see if the material is bowed.If it is, make sure the materialis positioned on the
table as shown in Fig. 33.
If the material is positioned the wrong way (Fig. 34), the workpiece will pinch the blade near the completion of the
cut and may cause the saw to jump or move.
RIGHT WRONGFig. 33 Fig. 34
Fig. 30E Fig. 30F
Fig. 30C Fig. 30D