11. After the watering cycle is complete, press the START/STOPbutton on the plant sensor to stop collectingdata. The sensor will make three descend- ing tones and the yellow light will blink five times.

• Plug the plant sensor into your USB port usingthe USB cablethat was included.

• The PlantSmart websiteautomaticallylaunches and a dialog box opensfor you to save your reading.

• Name the location whereyou had the plantsensor(suchas “front window” or “left cornerof front planter”.)This informationhelpsyou keep trackof where you have placed the plantsensor.

• Select whether the location was INDOORSor OUTDOORS.

• Click the SAVEbutton.

• You will be taken to the PLANT DOCTORtab withinMy Readings.

PlantSmartʼs web site examines the data recordedby the plant sensor. The analysis correctsfor any weather conditions, and takesinto consideration where you live. The websitewill provideyou with easy-to-followgardening advice to improve the health of your plant. Youcan also view the sunlight, temperature, moisture,and soil condition informationcollectedby the plant sensor on the PLANTʼSVIEW tab. View other plantsthat would thrivein this location by clicking on the TOP RECOMMENDATIONSandALLRECOMMENDATIONS tabs.

1.WaterPlug yourModeplant sensorSET UPinto the USB port on your computer using the USB cable that was included. Youwill automatically be logged in to the MY PLANTSMART Dashboard page.

2.Click on the “WATER” button at the far right of the screen to set your plant sensor to Water mode. Water mode quickly determines if your plants need immediate watering or not. NOTE: Water mode does not work for cacti or orchids.

3.When instructed, remove the sensor from the USB port and put the plant sensor together (top and bottom).

4.Press the START/STOP button on the sensor to begin Water mode. HOLD THE SENSOR BY THE TOP.The sensor light will blink green and the sensor will emit three ascending tones to let you know that it is in Water mode. The light will stay green while it is on.

5.Insert the soil sensor fully in the soil near the roots of the plant whose moisture level you wish to check.

6.If a plant needs water, the sensor light will blink yellow and will make a chirping sound. Water the plant well if you hear this sound. If the sensor light stays green, then that plant does not need water.

7.You can then move on to another plant by liftingthe plant sensor out of the soil, and placing it in the soil near a different plant.

8.Continue to move the plant sensor from plant to plant to determine if they need watering.

9.When done checking plants that might need watering,press the START/STOP button. There is no need to press the START/STOPbutton for every plant.

Visual and Audio Feedback





Connected to Computer

Companion Software not

Solid yellow

Up tone

Inserting Battery


No light


Closing battery door

Connected to Computer

Sensor attached to USB

Blink Green

Up tone

Disconnecting from

Sensor detached from

No light

Down tone



Blink Green

Up tone

Recommend Mode

Press start button

Recommend Mode

Press stop button

Blink Yellow

Down tone

Recommend Mode

Taking a reading

Blinkgreen once every 5 sec No sound

Monitor Mode

Press start button

Blink Green

Up tone

Monitor Mode

Press stop button

Blink Yellow

Down tone

Monitor Mode

Taking a reading

Blink green once every 5 sec No sound

Monitor Mode

Needs watering

Blink yellow


Monitor Mode

Too much water

Blink yellow


Water Mode

Needs watering

Blink yellow


Water Mode

Doesn't need watering

Blink green

No sound


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Image 5
Black & Decker PCS10 instruction manual Visual and Audio Feedback Mode Event