3-8.6 Port Statistics
Two types of counters are shown. Global counters are counters that refer to the whole stack
of switches, while local counters refer to per port counters for the currently selected switch.
Web Interface
To show LLDP Statistics:
1. Click LLDP, than click Port Statistics to show LLDP counters.
2. Click Refresh for manual update Web screen.
3. Click Auto-refresh for auto-update Web screen.
4. Click Clear to clear all counters.
Figure 3-8.6: The LLDP Port Statistics information
Parameter description:

Global Counters

Neighbor entries were last changed at :
Shows the time when the last entry was last deleted or added. It also shows the time
elapsed since the last change was detected.
Total Neighbors Entries Added :
Shows the number of new entries added since switch reboot.
Total Neighbors Entries Deleted :
Shows the number of new entries deleted since switch reboot.
Total Neighbors Entries Dropped :
Shows the number of LLDP frames dropped due to the entry table being full.
Total Neighbors Entries Aged Out :
Shows the number of entries deleted due to Time-To-Live expiring.

Local Counters

The displayed table contains a row for each port. The columns hold the following information:
Local Port :
The port on which LLDP frames are received or transmitted.
Tx Frames :
The number of LLDP frames transmitted on the port.