LGB5128A User Manual
4-7.2 Switch Status
This section shows the Port Security status. Port Security is a module with no direct
configuration. Configuration comes indirectly from other modulesthe user modules. When a
user module has enabled port security on a port, the port is set up for software-based learning.
In th is mode, frames from unknown MAC addresses are passed on to the port security
module, which in turn asks all user modules whether to allow this new MAC address to
forward or block it. For a MAC address to be set in the forwarding state, all enabled user
modules must unanimously agree on allowing the MAC address to forward. If only one
chooses to block it, it will be blocked until that user module decides otherwise. The status
page is divided into two sectionsone with a legend of user modules and one with the actual
port status.
Web Interface
To configure a Port Security Switch Status Configuration in the Web interface:
1. Check “Auto-refresh.”
Figure 4-7.2: The Port Security Switch Status
Parameter description:
User Module Legend :
The legend shows all user modules that may request Port Security services.
User Module Name :
The full name of a module that may request Port Security services.
Abbr :
A one-letter abbreviation of the user mod ule. This is used in the Users column in the port
status table.
Port Status :
The table has one row for each port on the selected switch in the stack and a number of
columns, which are:
Port :
The port number for which the status applies. Click the port number to see the status for
this particular port.
Users :