Immediate Leave :
Enable the fast leave on the port.
SaveClick to save changes.
Reset- Click to undo any changes made locally and revert to previously saved
3-7.2 Groups Information
The section describes how to display the MVR Groups detail information on the switch.
Entries in the MVR Group Table are shown on this page. The MVR Group Table is sorted first
by VLAN ID, and then by group
Web Interface
To display the MVR Groups Information in the Web interface:
1. Click Configuration, MVR, Groups Information.
2. To auto-refresh the information, check the “Auto-refresh” box.
3. Click the “ Refresh“ button to refresh a entry of the MVR Groups Information.
4. Click “<< or >> “ to move to the previous or next entry.
Figure 3-7.2: The MVR Groups Information
Parameter description:

MVR Group Table Columns

VLAN ID of the group.
Groups :
Group ID of the group displayed.
Port Members :
Ports under this group.
Auto-refresh :
Check the auto-refresh box to refresh the information automatically.
Upper right icon (Refresh, <<, >> ):
Click to refresh the MVR Group information manually or to go to next/up page
or entry.