OS Setup
Spark Digital is designed for driverless operation with PCs, Macs, and iPads/iPhones. Here are specific instructions for setup with your operating system:
iPad (4th generation), iPad mini iPhone 5
Plug in your Spark Digital Microphone using the provided
Apple-Macintosh (OSX 10.6.4 or higher)
1.Plug the microphone into your computer’s USB port using the provided USB cable.
2.From the main Apple menu, select System Preferences.
3.Select the Sound icon.
4.Now select the Input tab and select Spark Digital.
As a starting point, set the Input Volume to about 80%. If you decide you want to record something that is very loud, like a drums or a band practice, you will want to turn this setting down. If you are recording something that may be quiet, like an interview with a person who speaks softly, you may want to turn this setting up.
5. Select the output tab and select Spark Digital.
6. From this screen, you will want to set the Output Volume to 100%. Once you’ve selected Spark Digital as | 7 |
your output device, you can control the headphone volume with the knob on the front of the microphone. |