Axis Orbit 4000 and Orbit 2000 |12| english
Axis Orbit 4000 and Orbit 2000 |13| english
Your shaver is designed and manufactured to exacting standards in
order to provide you with years of close, comfortable shaves.
Feeling for your shaver
It normally takes about three weeks for your skin to adjust to a new
electric shaver. As you use your shaver, you will develop a shaving
style that is most comfortable and effective for you. This “breaking in”
period may be somewhat longer for those with sensitive skin or those
who vary their shaving techniques. To repeat, for a closer and more
comfortable shave, you must allow yourself those 3 weeks for your
beard and skin to adjust to the electric shaver.
Upon unpacking your shaver, you may notice a white/gray powder on
the inner cutters and surface of the heads. This is a factory-applied
lubricant that will help ease the breaking in period and disappear with
normal use.
1. Keep the unit clean and dry all times.
2. Wash and dry your face thoroughly prior to shaving and wait at least
15 minutes after getting up before shaving.
3. Turn your shaver on and then let the 3 floating heads follow the
contours of your face to give you a smooth, close, comfortable shave.
4. Stretch your skin with your free hand while using straight or circular
strokes. This will make the hairs stand out from your face and allow
the inner cutters to reach them more easily. Shave against the grain for
optimum results.
5. To ease the cutting and avoid floating headwear, do not apply the
shaver to your skin with high pressure. Apply soft, gentle strokes while
6. The normal replacement period for the 3 floating heads and 3