SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 14
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2003 December | SC & SI Remote Interface Description
Related functions
With this function it is possible to add or update just one record in the delegate database in the CCU.
Note that using this function you can only add or update a record of an existing database on the CCU. You
cannot create a database using this function.
The delegateId as present in the structure is used to determine if the record will be added or updated:
• When the delegateId is not present in the database, the record will be added to the database.
• When the delegateId already exist in the database, the record of that delegate will be updated.
Only the following fields may be changed:
wUnitNr Unit number where the delegate resides
iDesklang Desk language of the delegate
lVWeight Voting weight of the delegate
bMicAut Microphone authorisation
bVotingAut Voting authorisation
bInterAut Intercom authorisation
szSline The screenline of the delegate
All other fields of the structure must have the same value as the information stored in the database.
This function is available in CCU system mode congress.
Parameter structure for the function
DQST_PERDELEGATE tDelegate (for description see section 3.9)
Response structure from the function
The function has no response parameters.
Error codes returned
DQSE_UPD_DEL_UNIT_IN_USE (if somebody else is using default seat)
DQSE_UPD_DEL_CARD_CHANGED (if a card code change is detected)
DQSE_UPD_DEL_PIN_CHANGED (if a pin code change is detected)
DQSE_UPDATE_DELEGATE_FAILED (database function to update delegate record failed)
DQSE_INSERT_DELEGATE_FAILED (database function to insert delegate record failed)
DQSE_NO_DATABASE (No database available)
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