SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 9
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2003 December | SC & SI Remote Interface Description
Retrieve information about all units connected to the congress network. This function returns for each unit
connected its unit-number and type.
This function is available in CCU system mode congress.
Parameter structure for the function
The function requires the following structure as parameter:
WORD wClusterIndex;
where: wClusterIndex Determines which cluster is to be returned as response. Zero
(0) to retrieve the first cluster of SC_C_CLUSTER_MAX units.
One (1) for the second cluster of SC_C_CLUSTER_MAX units,
When the cluster is not completely filled, then that cluster is the
last cluster available.
All cluster indexes greater than this one will have an empty
tUnitData array. However, the other three elements of the
response structure will still contain correct data.
Response structure from the function
The function returns the following structure:
typedef struct
WORD wNumberOfSlaveCCUs;
WORD wNumberOfUnitsConnected;
WORD wNumberOfUnits;
where the SC_T_UNIT_DATA is defined as:
typedef struct
WORD wUnitId;
BYTE byUnitType;
where: wNumberOfSlaveCCUs
The number of Slave-CCU’s connected within a Multi-CCU
system, which ranges from 0 to 16. In case of a Single-CCU
system this number will be zero.
The actual number of units present in the system, even if the
total number is larger than the maximum size of the ‘tUnitData’
array. wNumberOfUnitsConnected ranges from 0 to
When there are more units than the size of the ‘tUnitData’
structure, the structure is completely filled and the unit data for
the other units must be queried by using another clusterindex.
This number will be the same for all clusters requested.
wNumberOfUnits The number of units present in the tUnitData array. Only this
amount of array elements is transmitted. This number will be
limited to the upper bound of the tUnitData array-size.
tUnitData [] Array holding the unit-information of each unit. Each array
element is defined as a SC_T_UNIT_DATA structure. The
elements of this structure are described below.
wUnitId The unit identifier of a unit. Also called unit-number.
byUnitType The type of the unit, which is on of the following: